
My Simple Skincare

My Simple Skincare

Life has been busy! Our house has sold and we are in the midst of packing. In my previous post I shared a summary of what I’ve learned about taking care of skin, how I had to change my mindset, and the great results I got. Now some specifics. I should probably mention that I … more

New Thoughts on Skincare (for me, at least!)

New Thoughts on Skincare (for me, at least!)

I have been blessed with good skin, and as a result, was always pretty lazy in taking care of it. It wasn’t until I reached my forties that I began to sit up and worry about what to do. I also had my first, and then a second, favorite moisturizer get discontinued and reformulated into … more



This is one of my favorite things. A year or so ago, I decided it was time start researching anti-aging skincare. One of the first things I realized was that I needed a facial sunscreen, since sun exposure is a significant factor in how skin ages. Up til that point, I had only worn sunscreen … more

Simple Cleaning

Simple Cleaning

Since I’ve been on the subject of housekeeping . . . I grew up with a mom who loved to clean and had the whole lineup of traditional products. When I got married, I became enthusiastic about natural living and made my cleaners from things like baking soda, vinegar, and borax. The novelty wore off at … more

Good Appliances

Good Appliances

“And provides . . . a portion to her maidservants.” Proverbs 31 Our appliances are our modern-day maidservants. It’s worth it to have good ones that will serve you long and well. Here are three gals that keep our household running and whom I can recommend highly: A Bosch dishwasher, entry level After many years … more

Our Elementary Math – Strayer-Upton

Our Elementary Math - Strayer-Upton

Mathematics is a frequent subject of curriculum searches, and most homeschoolers go through a few different programs during their tenure. We’re all looking for a curriculum that teaches the maximum amount of math understanding with the minimum amount of pain. With the multitude of products available these days, and the belief that “different things work … more

Keeping the Butter

Keeping the Butter

If you are lucky enough to have a good windowsill in your kitchen, it makes a perfect place to keep your table butter once the weather gets cold. It stays cool, but spreadable. I love this butter crock, which I purchased while vising the Red Wing Pottery factory awhile ago. (It is a worthwhile stop … more

Buying Toys

Buying Toys

Since it is Christmas-shopping season, it seemed a good time to publish this post I’ve had on my mind for awhile. I think one of the ways in which our culture is most consumerist is in the area of TOYS. Don’t you agree? The average big-box store has aisles and aisles of colored plastic ready … more

Good and Simple Coffeemaking

Good and Simple Coffeemaking

Until recently, I would have considered that an oxymoron. I grew up in a family that was really into coffee and its attendant paraphernalia.  My parents were ahead of their time and owned a restaurant coffee maker. When I was a teen, they obtained a commercial espresso machine. Later came a coffee bean roaster. As … more

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