I never thought that one day I’d be lucky enough to have a homeschool retreat of this type in my own neck of the woods. Melissa, a friend who blogs at Reflections from Drywood Creek, is putting together a one-day retreat for those interested in classical and Charlotte Mason education. We will be honored to have Cindy Rollins, mother of nine and author of Mere Motherhood as the guest speaker.
So if you are in the upper Midwest, and interested in educating children (or yourself) with living books, nature study, and the arts, please join us in September!
Find details at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/journey-an-education-for-life-tickets-35804524296
If you are unable to come, then make sure you read Mere Motherhood: http://www.meremotherhood.com/
Thanks friend, you are so sweet. It’s going to be great! 🙂