Those dates are looking really crazy and futuristic.
A lot of changes have happened in our family over the last couple years and I just haven’t been able to stay on top of the blog. We built a house, moved twice, and married off our firstborn! The Man has been settling into a new position at work. Good things, but stressful. I’m really hoping to get back into the swing of things here and post more regularly again.
So here are the curriculum choices for my oldest student left at home. The youngers are in 4th and 7th grades and are pretty much doing what their older siblings did, so check the archives for those lists.
Duncan/10th Grade
Math – Learn Math Fast Geometry. Almost outsourced this subject, but since I’ve been pretty impressed with LMF and its homeschool-friendliness, we decided to give it a shot. It’s not a full year’s worth of work, so I may get a booklet of proofs and have him practice those with any remaining time. We’ll get a tutor to correct those. This is the last level of LMF, so any future math courses will probably be outsourced.
English – Excelsior Classes English I
History – Center for Lit’s new American History course. I’m a big fan of Adam Andrew’s teaching and we needed American history this year. This will also give an additional credit for literature.
Science – ACE Physical Science (Introductory physics and chemistry) We still have the videos that go with this program which made it nice and economical. Adding the Wes Olson 101 videos and a couple living books.
Electives – Alpha-Omega Health and Agriscience.
Extracurriculars – Choir/handbells and Art. Possibly may be signing him up for music lessons at a local center. Stay tuned on that.
Last year we hired a tutor to go over the 9th-gr work on a weekly basis and I said I would give a report on that. It worked fairly well. It definitely relieved my stress and allowed me to focus on the younger students. The downside is that illness and busyness sometimes forced the meetings to go remote which was not as effective. Some things fell through the cracks. But it definitely is a good option for those looking to make high school at home more workable. This year, however, The Man is giving another try at being School Enforcer. It may be the last year at home for this student. We are looking at some possible programs at the local tech college for the remainder of high school since our student will have his driver’s license.