Curriculum for 2016/2017

IMG_6492In the plans for the coming year:

Dusty/10th Grade

Jacobs Geometry – After many months of researching geometry, we have settled on the second edition of this popular-among-homeschoolers textbook. I like to use older math books in general, but was finding difficult or impossible to locate teacher’s manuals for the older geometries. This 80’s-era text was recommended to me by a math teacher I respect and has TM’s readily available. Thankfully, The Man will be the one going through it with Dusty.

Wilson Hill Academy Rhetoric – The next writing class in line after the one he took last year. It was a successful venture and he showed interest in continuing with WHA, so that made it an easy decision.

Center for Lit British Literature – Also the same provider as last year’s Lit class. I love Adam Andrew’s teaching.

La Clase Divertida 2 – Again, same provider as last year.

ACE Intro to Chemistry and Physics – The next in the ACE science series. I let Dusty choose between this and Novare’s Introductory Physics, and he choose to stay with ACE. Since I liked Novare, I bought the Novare book anyway and we will use it for supplementary reading. I will also have him watch Wes Olson’s Physics 101 videos.

Notgrass Exploring World History – After much research on self-study World History programs, I settled on this, mainly because I liked the use of original sources.

Electives are Logic (Introductory Logic by Nance, required for his Rhetoric class) and Aviation Science (Aeroscholars). Extracurriculars are the same as last year: Civil Air Patrol, choir, and handbells. He also will be trying piano again as he reached the end of the ukulele course.

Duncan/4th Grade

Strayer-Upton math – We had a successful first year with this program and this coming year hope to finish the first book. I am planning to write a review on this curriculum at some point.

CM skills – We will continue with copywork and dictation, and begin to add in written narrations. See my posts on language arts for a more complete explanation.

A First Book in American History – This lovely little reprint will be this year’s overview of American history.

A Child’s History of the world – Another oldie but goodie, this will be our first overview of world history.

Apologia Astronomy – I have this on hand, and will have Duncan read through it for science without the projects. I may add in some Signs and Seasons, a wonderful book on classical astronomy I recently obtained. I expect this will only take one semester, leaving the other half of the year for interest-led science.

Using Color in Your Art – I had heard this book recommended for art projects and am excited the Duncan is now a good age to utilize it.

He will also do recorder, choir, and handbells

Pearl/1st Grade

Ray’s Primary Arithmetic (all oral) – I use this in an informal manner for 1st and 2nd grade. It is mostly simple word problems, and is perfect for doing oral math. We occasionally add in M&Ms or chocolate chips for fun manipulatives.

Smithhand handwriting – I discovered this program when my firstborn needed remediation with his handwriting at around 5th grade. I like this one because it is a stroke-based method, as opposed to copying a “picture.” You also need only one book to learn it. I expect Pearl will be doing copywork by the end of the year.

The Reading Lesson – Pearl got about one third of the way through this phonics book last year, so I expect she will be able to finish it. Her reading has already picked up on its own this summer.

Various Art projects – I really like Waldorf arts and crafts. We plan on beginning knitting as well.

Lots of books

Pearl will also be beginning recorder and choir.

2 Responses

  1. Melissa Greene
    Melissa Greene August 9, 2016 at 6:56 am |

    Thanks for sharing your 2016-2017 curriculum choices Heather…They look great! We’ve used Notgrass, Strayer-Upton, and A First Book in American History in the past with success.

    I didn’t realize you used the Center for Lit online courses. I really like their Teaching the Classics and used it as the basis to lead a 5th/6th grade book club last year. I’d love to hear more about your experience with the online courses.

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