
Book Review – Consider This, Charlotte Mason and the Classical Tradition

Book Review - Consider This, Charlotte Mason and the Classical Tradition

If you move in the same online homeschool circles I do, you are well aware of the debate on whether a “Charlotte Mason” education, popular among homeschoolers, is a type of the coveted Classical education. Karen Glass, one of the founders of Ambleside Online, recently wrote a book attempting to prove similarities between the two. I … more

The Bullet Journal

The Bullet Journal

A fresh new year is spread out before us, and many are embarking on their New Year’s resolutions. I thought it a good time to share about a planning system I discovered this past year. Up until now, I have not been able to find a planner that worked for me. Computer-based was not my style. … more

Curriculum Plans for 2014/2015

Curriculum Plans for 2014/2015

Since I spend a lot of time home educating, I fear that the majority of my posts will be about exactly that. Just a warning for you non-schoolers! And since we homeschoolers are always interested in what others are doing, I will list our plans for my two students this year. I may write about specific picks in the future. My firstborn, … more

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