Homeschooling 101 – Starting Out

This post is for those who want to start homeschooling for the first time! Where do you begin? What do you need to know? A simple Google search will lead you into an overwhelming flood of information. When I am venturing into a new world I like to have one place that I trust for information until … more
The Language Arts – In Real Life

So how do those Charlotte Mason methods work out for a simpler schoolday? Here is a peek into the days of my K-er and 3rd-grader. Kindergarten: Pearl listens in on Duncan’s read-aloud time (this is at her wish, I do not require it) and then has her own. Her read-alouds contain a Bible story, … more
The Language Arts – Part Two

What would you think if I were to tell you that you could effectively cover all of language arts, from kindergarten to jr. high, without curriculum; just books, pens, and paper? After trying many different curricula with my firstborn, I have left them all behind and traded them for Charlotte Mason’s methods for my younger … more
The Language Arts – Part One

The arts or skills of language are one of the things that set human beings apart from the rest of creation. It is one of the ways that we are made in the image of God. It is the vehicle which allows knowledge to be passed on. As a result we have fellowship, progress, beauty, and a … more
Curriculum for the 2015/2016 Schoolyear

Here is what we are using this year. Dusty – 9th Grade Systematic Mathematics Algebra 2 – His last year with Mr. Ziegler! We have been very happy with this video-based program. Dusty’s progress and solid grasp of concepts continually impresses us. Wilson Hill Academy Honors Composition class – Last year’s online writing class was a rousing success … more
Student Planners

(Part 3 in a 3-part Planning series) Student planners are an integral part of organizing our school at home. I mentioned in an earlier post that I do not make lesson plans. The reason is that my students do! Student planners accomplish several things for us. They give some autonomy to our students (which increases … more
What Subjects?

(Part 2 of a 3-part Planning series) How do you know what subjects need to be covered in your homeschool? Are you doing enough? Too much? And how does one choose curriculum? There are so many products in the homeschooling market today that it is easy to become confused and overwhelmed. After ten years of … more
Planning the School Year

(Part 1 of a 3-part Planning series) Another school year has gotten off the ground and planning is fresh on my mind. There are probably as many ways to plan as there are homeschool families. We each need to find what works for us. Here is how I do it. I begin by finding a … more
Reading Aloud

“The memory of being read to is a solace one carries through adulthood. It can wash over a multitude of parental sins.” –Kathleen Rockwell Lawrence I am convinced, whether you homeschool or not, that this is the single most important thing you can do for your children’s education. So many things are accomplished in this … more